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출처 : https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/10809/A-Small-Class-to-Read-INI-File
A Small Class to Read INI File
A small class to read INI File, only has 4 methods: ReadInteger, ReadFloat, ReadBoolean, ReadString.
I have written two classes CIniReader
and CIniWriter
. They are used to read and write .Ini files. They only have four methods, and are very simple and useful.
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#ifndef INIREADER_H #define INIREADER_H class CIniReader { public: CIniReader(char* szFileName); int ReadInteger(char* szSection, char* szKey, int iDefaultValue); float ReadFloat(char* szSection, char* szKey, float fltDefaultValue); bool ReadBoolean(char* szSection, char* szKey, bool bolDefaultValue); char* ReadString(char* szSection, char* szKey, const char* szDefaultValue); private: char m_szFileName[255]; }; #endif//INIREADER_H
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#include "IniReader.h" #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> CIniReader::CIniReader(char* szFileName) { memset(m_szFileName, 0x00, 255); memcpy(m_szFileName, szFileName, strlen(szFileName)); } int CIniReader::ReadInteger(char* szSection, char* szKey, int iDefaultValue) { int iResult = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSection, szKey, iDefaultValue, m_szFileName); return iResult; } float CIniReader::ReadFloat(char* szSection, char* szKey, float fltDefaultValue) { char szResult[255]; char szDefault[255]; float fltResult; sprintf(szDefault, "%f",fltDefaultValue); GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szDefault, szResult, 255, m_szFileName); fltResult = atof(szResult); return fltResult; } bool CIniReader::ReadBoolean(char* szSection, char* szKey, bool bolDefaultValue) { char szResult[255]; char szDefault[255]; bool bolResult; sprintf(szDefault, "%s", bolDefaultValue? "True" : "False"); GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szDefault, szResult, 255, m_szFileName); bolResult = (strcmp(szResult, "True") == 0 || strcmp(szResult, "true") == 0) ? true : false; return bolResult; } char* CIniReader::ReadString(char* szSection, char* szKey, const char* szDefaultValue) { char* szResult = new char[255]; memset(szResult, 0x00, 255); GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szDefaultValue, szResult, 255, m_szFileName); return szResult; }
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#ifndef INIWRITER_H #define INIWRITER_H class CIniWriter { public: CIniWriter(char* szFileName); void WriteInteger(char* szSection, char* szKey, int iValue); void WriteFloat(char* szSection, char* szKey, float fltValue); void WriteBoolean(char* szSection, char* szKey, bool bolValue); void WriteString(char* szSection, char* szKey, char* szValue); private: char m_szFileName[255]; }; #endif //INIWRITER_H
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#include "IniWriter.h" #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> CIniWriter::CIniWriter(char* szFileName) { memset(m_szFileName, 0x00, 255); memcpy(m_szFileName, szFileName, strlen(szFileName)); } void CIniWriter::WriteInteger(char* szSection, char* szKey, int iValue) { char szValue[255]; sprintf(szValue, "%d", iValue); WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szValue, m_szFileName); } void CIniWriter::WriteFloat(char* szSection, char* szKey, float fltValue) { char szValue[255]; sprintf(szValue, "%f", fltValue); WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szValue, m_szFileName); } void CIniWriter::WriteBoolean(char* szSection, char* szKey, bool bolValue) { char szValue[255]; sprintf(szValue, "%s", bolValue ? "True" : "False"); WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szValue, m_szFileName); } void CIniWriter::WriteString(char* szSection, char* szKey, char* szValue) { WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szValue, m_szFileName); }
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#include "iostream" #include "IniWriter.h" #include "IniReader.h" int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { CIniWriter iniWriter(".\\Logger.ini"); iniWriter.WriteString("Setting", "Name", "jianxx"); iniWriter.WriteInteger("Setting", "Age", 27); iniWriter.WriteFloat("Setting", "Height", 1.82f); iniWriter.WriteBoolean("Setting", "Marriage", false); CIniReader iniReader(".\\Logger.ini"); char *szName = iniReader.ReadString("Setting", "Name", ""); int iAge = iniReader.ReadInteger("Setting", "Age", 25); float fltHieght = iniReader.ReadFloat("Setting", "Height", 1.80f); bool bMarriage = iniReader.ReadBoolean("Setting", "Marriage", true); std::cout<<"Name:"<<szName<<std::endl <<"Age:"<<iAge<<std::endl <<"Height:"<<fltHieght<<std::endl <<"Marriage:"<<bMarriage<<std::endl; delete szName; return 1; }
- 27th June, 2005: Initial post
This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
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